how to add permissions to a group pex
PermissionsEx (PEX) | |
![]() | |
Servermod: | Bukkit |
Category: | Permissions |
Developer: | t3hk0d3 |
Developer Website: | Link |
Description: | Manage Permissions |
Features: | Serves to manage player permissions |
Download: | Link |
Welcome to the PermissionsEx Tutorial
PermissionsEx (PEX)is a permissions plugin, based on Permissions by TheYeti / Nijikokun. It supports the newest Bukkit-Permissions-Standard. But PermissionsEx (PEX) is way more! It provides a powerful and structured Ingame command management and fine tuned restrictions for players(Modifyworld).
- YAML-Backend: "permissions.yml" - All users, groups and permissions are saved in this file.
- MySQL and SQLite support, but also other DB-server (like PostgreSQL) are possbile. PEX creates the DB-scheme (tables and first entries) automatically.
- A lot of chat and commands. You can even control PEX via ingame commands. There is no need to edit the files manually.
- Complete control over what players can do (Modifyworld). E.g. Allow or deny destroying blocks, riding a boat or not getting attacked by monsters.
- You can control inheritance and players' prefix/suffix.
- Multi world permissions - global permissions
- Easy migration from Permissions 2.x! Converter for YAML and SQL using PermissionsCompat.
- Performance friendly - Low-Level-Caching helps a lot when you have 100+ players online (decreases sever load).
- Chat-Manager - useful Chat-Plugin, coming with PEX. Supports default settings like displaying prefix, suffix and colors. (Alternatives are Mchat or Herochat).
The newest PermissionsEx version can be found here [1].
You can either install PEX
1) via a FTP browser like Filezilla by upload the 'PermissionsEx.jar' file into the ,,plugins folder
2) via the Nitrado Webinterface under ,,Bukkit Plugins
- Click on "Plugins" under 'Minecraft - Bukkit' (left sidebar)
- Select PermissionsEx
- Click install
- Using Modifyworld.jar, to restrict building/destroying blocks and much more.
- Using ChatManager.jar, if you want to use "&-color codes". (Or you can use other chat plugins like herochat or mchat)
PermissionsEx (PEX) creates all needed config-files automatically on it's first start.
Make sure, PermissionsEX (PEX) is the only Permissions-Plugin running!
Only use the "permissions.yml" in the 'PermissionsEx' folder!
- After starting your server with PEX it will create a folder called ,,PermissionsEx containing the "permissions.yml" and "config.yml" file
- After creation of ,, Permissions.yml, you can edit the file with Notepad or Notepad ++
- Activate ChatManager if installed by setting "enable: true" in plugins/ChatManager/config.yml
The next step is to configure the "permissions.yml"
Create Groups
At first, we create a group called "Admin", which gets all permissions to administrate the server. This can be achieved using the console or by editing the "permissions.yml" file.
Using the console:
To create a group open the console and type:
pex group Admin create
Using the following you grant the group "Admin" all permissions ("*"):
pex group Admins add *
Add the admin to this group:
pex user YourUsername group set Admin
Editing the permissions.yml located in the PermissionsEx folder:
Insert the following into 'permissions.yml'
# This is a comment and has no effect groups: Player: default: true prefix: 'Player' suffix: ' ' permissions: Admin: default: false prefix: 'Admin' suffix: ' ' permissions: - '*' users: YourUsername: group: - Admin
CAUTION: Only the server admin should be entered into the ops.txt (located in the root directory). This overrides PEX's permissions! Players entered into ops.txt have complete access to all commands!
The default group (Player) should not get admin permissions (- '*').
What we keep in mind:
Create groups: /pex group <Group> create
Set a player's group: /pex user <Player> group set <Group>
Give someone all permissions: /op <Player>
Add Permissions
To set a group as default, so that every new player joins this group, you have to add "default: true" to this group. Other groups can have a "default: false", but this is not necessary.
groups: Player: default: true #<-- prefix: 'Player' suffix: ' ' permissions:
To give a group enough rights so that they can play normal, you have to add "modifyworld.*" to this group. (This can be entered ingame or via console)
To give a specific group a specific permissions, you can use
pex group <Group> add <Permission>
To add modifyworld.* to the group "Player" we execute the following command:
pex group Player add modifyworld.*
The permissions.yml file should look like:
groups: Player: default: true prefix: 'Player' suffix: ' ' permissions: - modifyworld.* Admin: default: false #<-- optional prefix: 'Admin' suffix: ' ' permissions: - '*' users: YouPlayername: group: - Admin
Add a permissions to a group: /pex group <Group> add <Permission>
To do this for a specific world only: /pex group <Group> add <Permission> <World>
Negativ Permissions:
Should a group be allowed to execute all but one command, you can keep the '- *' permissions and add a permissions with an extra '-'.
groups: Admin: prefix: 'Admin' suffix: ' ' permissions: - -bukkit.command.stop #<-- All permissions expect to stop the server - '*'
Should a group (e.g. Admin) have a prefix like [Admin], you must have a Chat-Plugin like Herochat or mChat. To add a prefix to a group, we use the following command:
pex group <Group> prefix <Prefix>
Or in our example ([Admin]):
pex group Admin prefix &4[Admin]
Now all players in group "Admin" have a red [Admin] prefix.
"&4" is a color code, other color codes can be found here:
Color codes always look like
"&" + number/letter without "#".
To set a prefix we use:
/pex group <Group> prefix <Prefix>
Inheritance & Ranking
If a new group e.g. "Miner" is created, this group can inherit all permissions of the "Player" group. This can be achieved with a new line called "inheritance":
groups: Player: default: true prefix: 'Plyaer' suffix: ' ' permissions: - modifyworld.* Miner: prefix: 'Minenarbeiter' suffix: ' ' inheritance: - Player #<-- The Group Miner inherits all permissions of Player, meaning "- modifyworld.*" in our example. permissions: #<-- Now the group "Miner" has all permissions of the "Player" group but even more than the Player group, which only the Miner group can use (not players in "Player") - simplewarp.user - Admin: prefix: 'Admin' suffix: ' ' permissions: - '*'
If a player should get promoted or demoted you can either use PermissionsEx's feature or the plugin
Before you need to define a rank:
Using the "permissions.yml" it would look like:
vip: inheritance: - default prefix: '&6[VIP]&f' permissions: - commandbook.home options: rank: '30'
The associated command "/pex group vip rank 30". The higher the rank is, the lower the group is. Therefore the highest rank is 1.
Using PermissionsEx (without SetRankPex):
- 1) /pex promote <Group> <e.g. Player, Premium , Moderator , Admin>
Using SetRankPex:
- 2) /rank <Player> <Group>
Using inheritance, you need to add a line called "inheritance:"
and the command to set ranks: /pex promote <Group> <e.g. Player, Premium , Moderator , Admin>
Congratulations!, you have completed this tutorial and you're able to cope with PermissionsExsowie and also to configure it!
If there should be any errors or permissions not working, control your permissions.yml here.
More information are available at the offical PermissionsEx Wiki.
Here is a complete "permissions.yml" you can optimize for your needs:
groups: default: default: true permissions: - lwc.protect - bm.use - dt.home - - - modifyworld.* - courier.send - courier.write - courier.list - commandbook.msg - mcmmo.ability.* - mcmmo.skills.* - - commandbook.away - commandbook.spawn - commandbook.who - commandbook.kit.list - commandbook.kit.kits.starter - commandbook.warp.teleport - - - iConomy.payment - - - multiverse.access.* - multiverse.portal.access.* - ultimatearena.player prefix: '&7[Player]&f' options: rank: '100' worlds: world_creative: permissions: - world_city: permissions: - - commandbook.home.set - commandbook.home.teleport world_mining: permissions: - -lwc.protect vip: inheritance: - default prefix: '&6[VIP]&f' permissions: - - commandbook.time.set - commandbook.teleport - commandbook.teleport.other options: rank: '30' Builder: inheritance: - vip permissions: - worldedit.* - whomode.use prefix: '&6[Builder]&f' options: rank: '10' Mod: inheritance: - Builder permissions: - commandbook.kick - commandbook.bans.ban - commandbook.bans.unban prefix: '&e[Mod]&f' options: rank: '10' Admin: permissions: - -vanish.silentjoin - '*' prefix: '&6[Admin]&f' suffix: '&4' options: rank: '1' users: Player1: group: - default Player2: group: - vip Player3: group: - vip Player4: group: - Builder permissions: - spectate.use
Find errors
- 1) If there should be any problems, check your 'permissions.yml' here or here (German instructions)
Copy the content of the file and paste it into the left box. If there are errors, you probably used "Tabs"
or neglected the right format!
- 2) Pay attention to spaces in front of all entries. You must not change the layout
About this Article
This tutorial is based on plugin version : | 1.19.5 | ||
This tutorial was translated by: | Facekuli | This tutorial was translated on: | 17.02.2014 |
This tutorial was originally created by: | McRain | This tutorial was originally created on: | 08.10.2011 |
Last updated by: | Facekuli | Last update on: | 17.02.2014 |
how to add permissions to a group pex
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